
Investing money needs careful consideration and you need to be absolutely sure of the risks involved. This section provides generic information on different types of saving & investment. You should seek advice appropriate to your specific circumstances prior to making any decisions.

Asset-backed Investments

Asset-backed Investments

There are many different asset-backed investments open to the individual investor. Each type has own specific risks, benefits and taxation treatment.

Deposit Based Investment

Deposit Based Investment

There are various deposit-based investment vehicles available in the marketplace. Many customers will have money on deposit either with a bank or building society.

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)

In 2017 the contribution limit for Cash ISAs and Stocks and Shares ISAs was effectively merged, with the overall limit increased to £20,000

Investment Overview

Investment Overview

This at-a-glance guide is intended to give you a quick snapshot of a range of different investment vehicles available.



A platform brings together your investments and pensions online, allowing you to view them in one place – a bit like online banking.

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The value of your investment can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed, investors may not get back the amount invested.